Wait for It How Insurance Companies Stop Whiplash claims

average compensation claim for whiplash

So, if you've started suffering from persistent symptoms of an injury to your neck like stiffness, pain or limited mobility as well as numbness, tingling and other indicators that indicate there's something wrong, there's a possibility that you have something far more serious that a normal "whiplash" accident. These long-lasting signs might indicate that you've suffered injury to the cervical spine (the highest C1-C7 vertebrae) which includes injuries to your intervertebral joints or discs. It could also indicate that you've damaged the ligaments or muscles in your cervical region or damaged the nerve roots that lie in the area of your neck.

If you've retained attorneys or not you must submit a claim to the insurance company of the driver at fault immediately following an accident as soon as you are able to. Don't wait due to not knowing what the final amount is for medical bills as well as lost earnings. These factors can be modified in the future.

How did you manage to watch tennis despite your Injured Knee?

whiplash accident compensation

Before speaking to adjusters from insurance following a car accident take the time to contact an experienced lawyer for injury. The consequences of an accident injury , such as whiplash may last for a long time and might not be protected by a single insurance claim.

whiplash accident compensation
compensation for neck injury in car accident

compensation for neck injury in car accident

Whiplash-related injuries, on average, pay between $10,000-$20,000. But, this is only an average amount for a whiplash injury settlement. The averages can be distorted in whiplash cases due to the fact that certain cases may result in huge settlements while some result in extremely low settlement amounts.

geico settlement whiplash

The kind of damages that are related to whiplash injuries influence the time frame for when a lawsuit or claim is filed. In the majority of cases of whiplash injury, the extent of physical injuries sustained by a patient especially on their tissues within cervical (neck) neck region is not evident immediately after an injury or accident. The full severity of the symptoms can take days or even one week to be acknowledged by both the patient and legal experts. Furthermore, this is only applicable to mild whiplash injuries, which are likely to disappear by themselves in the course of time.

geico settlement whiplash
whiplash claim payout

whiplash claim payout

The person who was responsible for the accident can impact the amount you receive from your settlement. If one person is totally blamed for an accident due to their failure to ensure that they are taking care of other motorists while on the roads, it is called negligence. Personal injuries, like cases involving whiplash, have to be able prove that negligence played a role.

average personal injury settlement for whiplash

Whiplash, also known as whiplash-related disorder (WAD) is a condition that can occur when someone is in a crash with a vehicle that causes their body move forward rapidly while their head remains in place. Although whiplash is most often seen in rear-end collisions, it could be caused by head-on collisions, side-impact collisions or other accidents in the auto.

average personal injury settlement for whiplash