Special damages refers to damages that have an amount of money, as they are able to be proven by receipts and bills of things like medical expenses that are out of the budget and wages lost.

It's possible to break or break a vertebra within the neck or the spine and not even realize it until it's too late however the signs won't stay hidden for a long time. It is always recommended to consult an ER physician immediately and obtain an expert diagnosis.

What is the Average Settlement for a Whiplash Injury?

whiplash compensation claims

Whiplash cases provide the ideal place for insurance companies looking to stay clear of whiplash awards they do not agree with. They typically play Jekyll and Hyde routines with plaintiffs (before the case is taken to the court) and with plaintiffs (after the case is brought to the court) and appear to be jolly initially, but then becoming aggressive and intimidating when they are able to serve their purpose.

whiplash compensation claims
whiplash injury lawsuit

whiplash injury lawsuit

The median settlement for whiplash cases is between $20,000 and $10,000, but that's just an average. There's a variety of numbers, however these numbers aren't worth much in the absence of a comprehensive coverage for the needs of your client.

mild whiplash compensation

In this often unavoidable delay, they may say that the deal you turned down in the initial process is still in place, should you be tired of waiting. The benefit of delaying the process is that each day that passes by with the issue unsolved is another day they don't have to issue an enormous check.

mild whiplash compensation
minimum settlement for whiplash

minimum settlement for whiplash

If you've been suffering from persistent symptoms of an injury to your neck like stiffness, pain or limited mobility and numbness, tingling and other indications that there's something wrong, there's a possibility that you have something far more serious that a normal "whiplash" accident. The long-lasting signs and symptoms may indicate that you've suffered injury to the cervical spine (the highest C1-C7 vertebrae) which includes injuries to your intervertebral joints or discs. This could mean you've injured the ligaments or muscles in your cervical region or damaged the nerve roots within that region of your neck.

severe whiplash claim

Personal injury cases are dependent on the negligence of others. If your lawyer for car accidents can establish the negligence of your client, as well as the degree of negligence that the driver at fault was, will impact your whiplash payment.

severe whiplash claim