Certain whiplash injuries can be treated swiftly and whiplash sufferers may be able to make a full recovery in just a few days or even weeks. However, other back or neck injuries can persist for years or months to come, particularly when a person isn't receiving the proper medical treatment in time.

And, whether or not this is true, the situation will put an uneasy eye on plaintiffs who will likely face an arduous line of inquiry at the start of the claim procedure. If the case is taken to the courts, the attacks on their credibility will go up to an exponential rate.

Who is at fault for the accident?

severe whiplash claim

Insurance companies often try to inform clients that the offer made to them is a typical settlement for whiplash, which the majority of insurance companies consider to be reasonable. It's likely to be accompanied by an attitude of take-it-or-leave it, with the expectation that any attempt to negotiate an even higher settlement will end with success. If you don't speak to a lawyer who handles whiplash injuries and know the maximum amount you can claim for your particular situation.

severe whiplash claim
car accident neck injury settlement amount

car accident neck injury settlement amount

Another reason to see the doctor as soon as you can after an incident is that the outcome of your claim will depend on an accurate diagnosis of whiplash from a licensed doctor. It's absolutely essential. Even when the diagnosis of the doctor could be challenged by the insurance company or opposing attorney in the event that the case gets to the court.

whiplash injury lawsuit

The amount you will receive in the event of a whiplash injury is contingent on how serious you are injured, the extent to which your everyday life is affected, as well as how much you are able to live the same life that you had prior to the accident.

whiplash injury lawsuit
whiplash compensation claims

whiplash compensation claims

You can be sure that the initial offer will be one that the insurance company is able to live with. However, it's something you aren't able to bear. If you decide to decline the offer, or state that you'd like to take some time to consider it, they could inform you that there's an expiration date and that the offer will cease to in effect after a particular date.

minimum settlement for whiplash

Many aspects will be considered in determining the amount you will receive for your injury The following are some of them:

minimum settlement for whiplash