What is considered a Whiplash Injury?

whiplash settlement from rear end accident

Whiplash is the most frequent injuries that result from an auto accident. It typically happens in rear-end collisions. the most frequent kind of car accident. As a result, the number of claims for whiplash injuries is a lot millions of dollars get distributed in whiplash settlements throughout the US each year.

Special damages refers to damages which can be assigned an approximate value in terms of dollars, since they are able to be proven by receipts and bills for things like medical expenses that are out of the budget and wages lost.

How are Damages Calculated?

whiplash shoulder injury compensation

If you've ever thought of pursuing the process of a lawsuit for whiplash injuries It's a good idea to conduct your research prior to the time.

whiplash shoulder injury compensation
severe whiplash settlement amounts

severe whiplash settlement amounts

Many claimants take the whiplash settlement without considering the totality of their losses. A lawyer for whiplash injuries will help you figure out the appropriate amount. Our whiplash injury lawyers of Novo Mesto will provide a free consultations and tell you what the value of your whiplash injury.

neck pain after car accident compensation

It is certain that the initial offer will be a figure that the insurance company is able to live with. However, it's one you cannot accept. If you decide to decline the offer or say that you'd like to take some time to consider it, they could inform you that the offer has an expiration date and the offer will cease to in effect after a particular date.

neck pain after car accident compensation
whiplash neck injury settlement

whiplash neck injury settlement

Whiplash-related injuries, on average, will pay anywhere from $10,000-$20,000. But, this is only an average amount for a whiplash injury settlement. The figures are not always the same in whiplash cases due to the fact that certain cases could lead to huge settlements while some result in extremely low settlement amounts.

whiplash accident settlement

It can happen when a car hits one another, most likely from the rear or side. It can cause you to suffer from different symptoms like stiffness and neck pain and sleeplessness, blurred or sluggish vision and dizziness.

whiplash accident settlement